P103-15 Non-Invasive Detection of Secondary Resistance Mutations in ALK-Positive NSCLC Patients by Next-Generation Sequencing

Remarkably different mutations can confer different sensitivities to different ALK inhibitors. However, 2nd and 3rd line treatment is often prescribe empirically without knowing the molecular mechanism underlying treatment failure.21 samples from ALK-positive NSCLC patients were collected at disease progression. Circulating Nucleic Acids were isolated from platelets, exosomes and plasma. Libraries were prepared using 20ng of template and Oncomine™ Pan-Cancer Cell-Free Assay. Samples were sequenced on an Ion GeneStudio S5 Plus System. Sequencing data was first analyzed using Torrent Suite software. Subsequently variant calling, annotation and filtering was performed on the Ion Reporter (v5.10) platform using the Oncomine TagSeq Pan-Cancer Liquid Biopsy w2.1 workflow. The results show that secondary ALK-TKI resistance mutations could be detected using liquid biopsies in a high proportion of patients. Non-invasive molecular profiling of samples collected at disease progression is feasible being useful for further treatment selection in ALK-positive NSCLC patients.

Journal of Thoracic Oncology DOI:10.1016/j.jtho.2019.08.867

Authors: E. Sánchez Herrero, M. Barquin, V. Calvo De Juan, M. Auglyte, R. Garcia Campelo, J.M. Sánchez, M. Domine, B. Massuti, E. Jantus, C. Camps, N. Reguart, M. Provencio, A. Romero