Characteristics of central nervous system progression in non-small cell lung cancer treated with crizotinib or alectinib

Aims: We compared the clinical-radiographic characteristics of CNS metastases among patients undergoing crizotinib and alectinib treatment for ALK-positive NSCLCs. Conclusion: We observed no significant difference in the clinical-radiographic characteristics of CNS progression between patients undergoing crizotinib and alectinib treatments. Local therapy, including stereotactic radiosurgery, for CNS progression may be suitable and important following alectinib and crizotinib treatment. READ ARTICLE

Cancer Reports

Authors: Hiroaki Sakamoto, Noriko Yanagitani, Ryo Manabe, Ryosuke Tsugitomi, Shinsuke Ogusu, Takehiro Tozuka, Hiroshi Yoshida, Yoshiaki Amino, Ryo Ariyasu, Ken Uchibori, Satoru Kitazono, Sadatomo Tasaka, Makoto Nishio