ALK Positive 2019 Summit in Atlanta

Our second annual ALK Positive Summit has been scheduled for August 2-4, 2019 in Atlanta Georgia. Please Register for the event.

Our Summit will be held at the Omni Hotel at CNN Center, in downtown Atlanta. Reservations can be made by clicking on Omni Hotel link at a special rate.

Our Summit Planning Committee, led by Survivor Amanda Nerstad, has been busy planning an amazing weekend for our members. Members will have opportunity to be up close and personal and learn from leading ALK researchers. There will be question and answer sessions too. All those attending will be able to meet one of the busiest lung cancer advocates, Chris Draft, in person and experience his home town of Atlanta.

Save the Date! You do not want to miss this opportunity to bond!

ALK Fun Summit - Unbranded.png

ALK Summit Agenda

Tom Carroll